SVN is pleased to announce the opening of our 2025 Request for Proposals! 

2025 SVN Annual Conference 
June 18-20, 2025
El Conquistador Resort, Fajardo, PR 

The Program Committee is looking for presenters with ground-breaking ways of providing services to the families we see. Presenters may include professional supervised visitation/child access providers, survivors, judges, attorneys, mediators, researchers, academics, licensed clinicians and counselors, domestic violence and child abuse and neglect experts, mental health practitioners, parent educators, social service organizations, and other interdisciplinary professionals.  We have some suggested topics below, but all submissions should address in some way, one or more of these concepts from our organizational tagline:

Educate: Offer new and insightful information for attendees with tangible takeaways.

Collaborate: Foster networking opportunities during the workshop or offer tools for building relationships in their communities with collaborative partners.

Advocate: Provide information that helps attendees increase awareness of their programs and the importance of support and funding of professionally provided supervised visitation services.

It may be helpful to review the SVN Standards here.

Suggested Topic Areas Include: 

 Presenter Benefits:  

  • Reach a global audience of over 300+ professional providers of supervised visitation 
  • (1) Free Night* at the Conference Hotel, El Conquistador
  • Discounted conference rate 
  • Presenter designation on your conference badge 
    *For up to two presenters per workshop

The 2025 SVN Annual Conference will be a Hybrid event. For speakers, that means you will pre-record your workshop for access for virtual attendees AND attend the SVN Annual Conference in Fajardo, PR. SVN will facilitate recording the session with you. All conference workshop sessions will need to be 90 minutes, inclusive of a question and answer time. 

All presenters must use the electronic form to be considered, no written, faxed, or carrier pigeon submissions will be accepted.  

The Deadline to submit is CLOSED