The Hedi Levenback Award

Supervised Visitation Provider of the Year Award


In 2012, The Hedi Levenback Supervised Visitation Provider of the Year Award was established.  The SVN membership nominates and selects a winner of their peers.  The recipient is recognized for their demonstration of exceptional skills in the delivery and implementation of a supervised visitation program, commitment to the SVN Standards, engagement in SVN activities, and achieved program excellence and innovation within their own program and community. This award is named in honor of one of SVN's early Board Members, Hedi Levenback.

Hedi was a founding member of SVN, and a pioneer in the field of supervised visitation. She co-authored the SVN bylaws and was the first chair of the Standards and Guidelines Committee. These standards and guidelines professionalized supervised visitation and continue to guide us in our important work. 

This award is unique because the SVN members directly vote for the nominee of their choice based on the information provided.

SVN members can use this form to nominate an individual or organization that they feel demonstrated exceptional skills in the delivery and implementation of a supervised visitation program. Self nominations are also allowed. The selection committee will judge nominees on the following criteria:

Commitment to the SVN Standards
Engagement in SVN activities/events
Program excellence and innovation
Local Accomplishments, Awards or other Recognition
Recommendations from Peers

Nominees must directly manage or work at a Supervised Access/Visitation Program.

The winning individual and/or program will be honored at the 2022 SVN Annual Conference which will be held in Orlando, Florida. The winning individual/program will receive a scholarship to send one person to the conference free of charge and that includes two nights at the conference hotel.

Nominations are due no later than March 15, 2024

Nominate yourself or your program HERE

Previous Winners

2012 Recipient: Judy Newman, Ontario

2013 Recipient: Dalhousie Place, Ontario

2014 Recipient: The New York Society for the Protection of Children (NYSPCC)

2015 Recipient: Casa De Los Ninos, Tucson, AZ

2016 Recipient: Kymari House, Murfreesboro, TN

2017 Recipient: Alaska Family Services, Palmer, AK

2018 Recipient: Daniella Bozur, Hamilton, Ontario

2019 Recipient: Solomon Family Services, Cleveland, TN

2020 Recipient: The Children's Haven-WellStar Family Visitation Program, Canton, GA

2021 Recipient: Chaves County CASA Program Visitation Center, Chaves County, NM

2022 Recipient: Family and Community Resources, Brockton, MA

2023 Recipient: Brightside Child & Family Advocacy's Bright House, Savannah, GA

2024 Recipient Treehouse Safe Exchange and Training Center Abilene, TX