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SVN Key Concepts Training
Friday, June 12, 2020, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Category: Online Trainings


SVN members have been asking for a way to get the front-line staff trained and keep their skills sharp in this time of social distancing and your SVN Faculty Team has responded by creating a one-day training for front line visitation supervisors.This interactive training will explore foundational concepts of supervised visitation, while engaging in meaningful discussion around providing services. 


This is a Zoom interactive class taught by seasoned visitation providers who have trained nationwide on topics related to supervised visitation and exchange.  The training takes place over a full day. 


The goal of this training is to explore the basic skills required for providing the competent supervised visitation services. 

The training areas include: 

  • Key for Best Practice

  • Decision Making and Respect

  • Safety

  • Trauma and the Brain

  • Informed Neutrality

  • Interventions

  • Documentation

  • Working with Professionals