Standards For Supervised Visitation Practice

6.0 Evaluations & Recommendations

6.1 Purpose

This section defines the limits for providing an assessment, evaluation, and/or recommendation concerning the treatment, future visitation arrangements, and/or child custody determinations. Specifically, the section prohibits a provider from performing any mental health, custody, parenting, developmental and/or attachment assessment and evaluation that more appropriately should be provided by a licensed mental health professional. This includes drawing conclusions and/or making recommendations about future visitation arrangements or child custody determinations.

6.2 General Policy

  1. A provider must not perform any mental health or other evaluations or assessments unless as specifically noted in sections 6.3 and 6.4 below.
  2. Supervised visitation services must function independently from a licensed or certified mental health professional or other professional who is performing a mental health, custody, parenting, developmental and/or attachment assessment and evaluation.
  3. A provider must not make recommendations or state opinions about future visitation arrangements and/or child custody determinations.
  4. This policy does not prohibit a provider from providing factual information based on observations of clients which may be used by others who are conducting an evaluation and/or assessment. 

6.3 Risk Assessments

A provider may review and analyze client information and behavior to determine whether services can be provided safely and/or to deny or suspend services because of potential risks of harm to a client or staff member.

6.4 Therapeutic Supervised Visitation Addition:

A qualified professional (See 2.32) who is providing therapeutic supervised visitation services may prepare a written report describing each parent’s and each child’s readiness and ability to participate in these services. In addition, the report can include the progress being made to the stated goals along with specific recommendations for the next phase of the therapeutic visitation process. Any such report, however, must NOT include opinions or recommendations about child custody/access outside of the therapeutic visitation process.