Local and Global Recognition
Desired Achievement
Educating and advocating the importance of qualified SV providers to courts, communities, and legislators, legal aid, and CPS
Decision Makers and referral sources will use properly trained providers that follow ethical and well-defined standards of practice
Supervised Visitation Network is invited to present at training conferences for judges, GAL's, Social Service Agencies
Local and national decision makers attend, participate and present in SVN sponsored trainings, meetings and conferences
Build collaborations with communities, stakeholders, and decision makers to increase effective partnerships
Develop relationships with local judges, lawyers, key decision makers
Develop relationships with local education institutions to support potential research
Increase visibility in media, professional journals, with legislatures and judiciaries
Research and identify potential stakeholders and decision makers
Activities (Past, Present, and Future)
Hired new full-time staff member as Membership and Community Outreach Coordinator March, 2023
Exhibited at End Violence Against Women International (2000 Attendees) in Chicago, April of 2023
Presented to the Australian Children’s Contact Association (ACCSA) at their Annual Conference March 2023
Exhibited at Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference (AFCC), June 2023
Exhibited at National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) , July 2023
ED Joe Nullet is presented a virtual lecture to a group of university professors (psychology, family law, family sociology so on), lawyers, providers of visitation centers and grad students from Japan. They want to learn more about how visitation is provided in the US for cases of high conflict parents and the child refusal, and about the training SVN offers to the providers. October 2023
Provided 3 Hour training to a group of 140 Professionals in Puerto Rico on SV and Gender Based Violence August 2024
Presented at the National Training Institute, Center for Victims of Crime September, Portland 2024
Presenting on Supportive SV to the Australian Children’s Contact Association (ACCSA) at their Annual Conference March 2025
Presenting a workshop at the CWLA 2025 Conference, "The Ongoing Relevance of Supervised Visitation"